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Do you suffer from:


Fatigue, weight problems, mood swings, depression, burn out, sexual disorders, hot flashes, hormonal imbalances?

For the first time it is possible to combine the advantages of the individual test procedures.


Hormones can be tested in different body fluids: blood, urine and saliva. However, not all hormones in these three media can be analyzed together. Each test medium can detect certain hormones - but never all together.


The new DUTCH test combines all the advantages of the corresponding test methods in the easy-to-perform urine test:


Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones


With this currently most comprehensive hormone test, 5 urine test strips are collected over the course of a day and night and, after drying, are sent by mail to the laboratory in the USA .


Who Should Check Their Hormone Status?

Anyone who wants to know the effects of their lifestyle on the hormone system can use the new DUTCH test to find out the condition and function of the adrenal cortex, which produces the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Based on the analysis, your therapist can work out a tailor-made hormone and nutrient therapy in addition to anti-stress management.


Patients taking hormone preparations. 

The new test was developed to enable monitoring of all forms of hormone therapy. Among other things, special procedures are used to monitor oral or vaginal progesterone therapy, for example.


Patients with sleep disorders, depression and all forms of neurological diseases learn whether melatonin production is sufficient. By the way: Sleep disorders are considered a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.


Advantage of the Dutch test:

It is created exclusively on the basis of urine samples. The test presented here also offers the analysis of the stress level and the associated function of the HPA axis. This measurement is created via a saliva analysis. 


The hormone profile includes an analysis of your coach and therapist. Please contact us whether and to what extent this test is suitable for you.

dutch plus hormone test

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