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migraine coaching

Migraine is a neurological disease that affects around 12% of the German population.

In addition to treatment with medication, there are alternative methodsthat the occurrence

can significantly reduce migraine attacks. Our coaching focuses

based on scientifically tested measures for therapy from chronic migraines.

Dein Migräne-Guide als eBook

What is migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disease with a genetic basis. In the case of migraines, those affected suffer from mostly one-sided, often very severe headaches. In addition, there is often nausea, light and noise sensitivity. The brainstem is always involved, which, among other things, is responsible for the vegetative function of the nervous system. A chronic migraine is when there are at least 15 attacks per month. A basic distinction is made between a migraine with and without an aura. 


The migraine solution

Our approach at a glance

Due to the origin of migraines, we work primarily according to a neurological approach. The function of the nervous system plays a decisive role in this. In addition, when training and treating migraines, we focus on musculoskeletal problems, such as possible complaints of the cervical spine, as well as lifestyle factors such as nutrition and hormonal causes of migraines. Therefore, our concept can be viewed as holistic with the aim of providing our customers with the greatest possible benefit in the treatment of their migraines. We do not use medication and support our customers in getting their migraines under control without medication. Important elements in our coaching are the adaptation of a meaningful and individual diet, suitable physical activity, dietary supplements and an individual hormone analysis. 


online coaching

We work with customers worldwide. Through online coaching, we have the opportunity to reach every migraine sufferer. You can make appointments with us from home and don't have to travel far to do so. Of course you can also come to us, so that we have the opportunity to work with you directly and live. However, our concept is designed so that you do not have to leave your four walls to take advantage of our migraine coaching. Our coaching is aimed at imparting know-how. We believe that knowing more about migraines will help treat migraines effectively. 


Our coaching is intensive and includes many possible construction sites that can be the cause of migraines. We attach great importance to good and detailed communication with our customers and believe that every problem must be solved together.


"The nervous system is the key to success in training and therapy."

RF Head Coach Patrick Meinart


neurological approach

Neurology is an important part of the treatment of migraines. Since the migraine itself is a neurological disease, this component is our priority. The function, or rather "malfunction" of the brainstem plays an important role in the development of migraines. Other areas that can be responsible for migraines are the hypothalamus and the insular cortex. Among other things, the hypothalamus controls our sleep-wake cycle and the insular cortex is connected to our emotional experience and is important for our body awareness. This is also where the neurological causes for the hypersensitivity of many migraine sufferers lie.

hormonal approach


Hormones can play an important role in the treatment of migraines. Not only women are affected, but men as well. One speaks of a menstrual migraine when the migraine attacks primarily occur around menstruation. But many people who do not suffer from menstrual migraines often have too high or too low hormone levels. If necessary, we check relevant hormones such as progesterone, cortisol, DHEA and estrogens and restore malfunctions if necessary. We work exclusively with herbal remedies, but also issue recommendations for hormone replacement therapy if necessary. However, this must be carried out by a doctor. 

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online coaching


We work with customers worldwide. Through online coaching, we have the opportunity to reach every migraine sufferer. You can make appointments with us from home and don't have to travel far to do so. Of course you can also come to us, so that we have the opportunity to work with you directly and live. However, our concept is designed so that you do not have to leave your four walls to take advantage of our migraine coaching. Our coaching is aimed at imparting know-how. We believe that knowing more about migraines will help treat migraines effectively. 


Our coaching is intensive and includes many possible construction sites that can be the cause of migraines. We attach great importance to good and detailed communication with our customers and believe that every problem must be solved together.

our customers

Our customers suffer from different forms of migraine, such as hemiplegic migraine, vestibular migraine, and migraine with and without aura. Due to the different symptoms in migraine sufferers, an individual approach is essential. The number of migraine attacks our customers experience usually ranges from one to 20 attacks per month. The goal should always be to reduce the number of attacks, not cure the migraine. Due to the genetic component, one should not speak of a cure, but of a control of the migraine attacks. 


If you would like to take advantage of our coaching, please send us your and we will contact you within 24 hours.


RF Head Coach Patrick Meinart

Patrick Meinart is one of the few personal trainers and therapists  in Germany, the das

Completed the Carrick Institute's Mastering Migraine Program in the United States.


  • How does online coaching work?
    We usually work with the video communication software ZOOM for our coaching. You do not need an extra program for this and you can easily contact us via your browser. Of course you also have the opportunity to visit us live, but we try to save you the journey and therefore also enable coaching from a distance.
  • Am I even eligible for coaching?
    Sure. However, it is best if you contact us by email and we will conduct a non-binding analysis discussion in advance. In this way we can determine directly whether you are suitable for our online coaching. We want to make sure in advance that we are the right contact person for you. You can only be considered for our coaching if we are sure that we can help you.
  • I'm on medication, is that a problem?"
    No. Although we do not work with medication ourselves, we know that many of those affected take medication. We do not deny this to anyone and would never presume to advise against prescribed medication. We try to find solutions to not having to take medication anymore or only in a lower dosage. It is always a success for us when our customers have to take less medication but still have fewer migraine attacks.
  • I've had migraines for years, is there anything I can do about it?"
    Of course. Although migraines can get worse over the years, there is always work to do on migraines. During our coaching, we have to determine which measures are the right ones for you. For some, a change in diet can make sense, for others it is more a change in hormone levels. We go through all possible measures to find the best way for you.
  • I'm interested in a consultation, what do I have to do?"
    Nothing easier than that. Just send us an email to info@release-fitness and we will get back to you immediately with a suggested date. Our analysis discussion is completely non-binding for you and will help you to determine whether you can make friends with our methods.
  • 6. Kann ich das Gelernte direkt in meiner Praxis anwenden?
    Absolut! Das Programm ist praxisorientiert und bietet dir direkt umsetzbare Tools und Techniken. Du wirst lernen, wie du ein individuelles Behandlungsprogramm für Athleten mit Gehirnerschütterung entwickelst und umsetzt – sowohl in der Sportrehabilitation als auch im therapeutischen Umfeld.
  • 7. Muss ich vor Beginn des Kurses spezielle Vorkenntnisse haben?
    Um optimal von diesem Kurs zu profitieren, solltest du bereits grundlegende Kenntnisse in Neuroathletik haben. Das Programm baut auf diesen Grundlagen auf und vertieft sie gezielt in Bezug auf die Rehabilitation von Gehirnerschütterungen.




Gladioli path 100

53859 Niederkassel (Cologne/Bonn)

- Public: (<30min)

Cologne/Deutz main station: S12 Hennef (Sieg), line 504 to Niederkassel sports field

Bonn main station: SB55, Niederkassel Ev. Church

Cologne/Bonn Airport: S13 Troisdorf, Line 504 to Niederkassel Sportplatz


Parking in front of the academy

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